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The Front End Trap

Building in E-commerce is meaningfully different than other products because you typically don't get direct access to the core systems that will define your customer's experience. If you don't get full access & control of the backend, you will not be able to build the sustainable front end experience required to retain customers. We call this the front end trap.  

The following guide is meant to help you and your team

  • Understand the challenges of the Front End Trap 
  • Frame your own strategy
  • Learn how to engage stakeholders at your company
  • Focus your efforts

In doing so, it will help you build a blueprint for creating a scalable, successful, and fully integrated ecommerce experience for your audience platform. 



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“Before, companies and startups had to lay up all this capital for data centers and servers, and take your scarce resource, which in most companies is engineers, and have them work on the undifferentiated heavy lifting of infrastructure. What the cloud has done is completely flipped that model on its head so that you only pay for what you consume.” - Andy Jassy